South Queensland Big Camp 2024


13th - 21st September

Are you faithful?  By faith Abraham was obedient to God, and when called, he left his homeland to go to a place he’d never been.  But he was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God (Heb 11:8-10).  We too, are on a journey, and the questions remains, will we be faithful?  We pray Camp will help you answer that question with a Yes.


Most mistakes and problems with your booking can be avoided by reading carefully ALL the information throughout the booking process.

Please go through the registration process carefully to help minimise mistakes and the administration workload required to fix them.

General registrations are now closed, however you may still register day visitors, and activities.

You can purchase Sabbath meal tickets directly from the kitchen outside of Sabbath hours.

Big Camp Registration



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